
Strandline Resources (ASX:STA) completes first shipment of HMC from Coburn project, WA

ASX News, Materials
20 December 2022 12:57 (AEST)

Strandline Resources (STA) has completed its first shipment of heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) from its wholly-owned Coburn mineral sands project in Western Australia.

The shipment, holding roughly 6500 metric tonnes of HMC product, was loaded at the Port of Geraldton, containing valuable minerals of zircon sand, titanium ores and rare earth monazite.

The shipment has a value of around $6.5 million, with sales proceeds expected to be received later this week.

This first shipment of HMC is part of the ore commissioning and ramp-up of Coburn’s Wet Concentration Plant (WCP).

The company said production and haulage of HMC product to the port storage facilities was locked in to continue, with preparations already underway to co-ordinate a second shipment of HMC in January 2023.

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hello from the other side…

 “Achieving production and cashflow is a major milestone for Strandline and sets us up for our next chapter of strong growth,” Strandline Managing Director Luke Graham said.

“We are now preparing for a second shipment while also completing construction and commissioning of the MSP, which will in turn drive further increases in cashflow.”

Strandline said its focus will remain on increasing the production throughput of the WCP towards design rates, improving plant availability and optimising product recoveries.

Strandline Resources shares were up 2.5 per cent to 41 cents at 11:40 am AEDT.

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